11.05.2020 SILC Legislative Subcommittee
This is the third SILC Legislative Subcommittee meeting.
Chair: Steven Cohen
Vice Chair: Pending
To Join the Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9299041434?pwd=NmM5Tk1Od3ltRzg1enhRYTU3WDdUZz09
Meeting ID: 929 904 1434
Password: NVSILC
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) The number provided may incur long-distance telephone carrier charges, and is offered as a regional call-in number, only.
Meeting ID: 929 904 1434
Passcode: 707401
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdGvZ9R9O5
Meeting Materials
- 11.05.2020 SILC Legislative Subcommittee Agenda
- 8.27.2020 SILC Legislative Subcommittee Draft Minutes
- 9.25.2020 SILC Legislative Subcommittee Draft Minutes
- 1st Draft SILC Legislative Subcommittee DETR Website Accessibility 10-12-20
- 030 Opinion and Order
- NRS 284 and NRS 233B Revised Amendment Requests and Narratives 08-24-20
- 11.05.2020 SILC Legislative Subcommittee Draft Minutes