Learn more about disability voting rights with the REV UP campaign!

Election day is November 8th, and it is fast approaching! The disability community has a history of underrepresentation electorally, and it is important that the voices of people with disabilities is heard! Learn more about disability voting rights and get involved with voter registration during the annual Disability Voting Rights Week September 12-16. As part of the “Register, Educate, Vote, Use your Power!” (REV UP) campaign hosted by the American Association of People with Disabilities. Check out the AAPD website for more details here: REV UP Voting Campaign – AAPD
The Nevada Youth Action Council and Statewide Independent Living Council would recommend planning in advance for voting day as much as possible. This includes making sure you are registered to vote before election day. Deciding if you will vote over mail or in person, and planning travel arrangements to your preferred voting location if necessary.
Please direct any questions or concerns to the Youth Leader, Cody Butler at: CodyButler@adsd.nv.gov