8.29.23 In-Person Carson City SPILL Town Hall
Town Hall Meeting on Preliminary Input for the Nevada’s State Plan for Independent Living
Hosted by The Nevada Statewide Independent Living Council
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
5:30pm – 7:00pm
This Town Hall will be available to attend in person at:
Carson City Library, 900 N. Roop St., Carson City, NV 89701
The Statewide Independent Living Council (NV SILC) is seeking public comment for its proposed State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL).
For background, NV SILC is responsible for developing a new SPIL every three years for the next three-year period. The purpose of the plan is to outline the goals and objectives for how the State of Nevada plans to provide independent living services to its residents. To ensure that NV SILC meets the needs of the community, public comment is requested to formulate those future goals and objectives.
The person making comment will be called on by the facilitator and asked to provide their name and spell their last name for the record. Comments may also be submitted to nvsilc@adsd.nv.gov or mailed to P.O. Box 33386, Las Vegas, Nevada 89133.
Thank you for your help in ensuring the public’s needs are addressed by participating!
We encourage reviewing a copy of the current 3-year plan before the meeting. The plan is available on the web at: https://www.nvsilc.com/about-silc/state-plan/
Notice of this meeting was posted on the Internet: https://www.nvsilc.com/ and https://notice.nv.gov/
American Sign Language Interpreter(s) will be present. Other reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request for individuals with disabilities. If you need accommodations, please contact Wendy Thornley at (775) 220-7941, at least three business days in advance of the meeting.